Thursday, February 18, 2010

Teaching Kindergarten

20 February 2010
I have been teaching Kindergarten for 6 months now and every day is an adventure! I have 21 students and one assistant, along with a "unique aide" who is there to help keep one student on track. It's lots of fun, sometimes stressful, a learning experience, an exercise is patience, and just plain silly some days. Although I have taught preschool and worked with young children, most of my teaching experience has been with older students and in small group. So being THE classroom teacher was new to me. I have really learned a lot about myself and about working with kiddos. I have a few mantras that keep me going when the stress is higher than normal or something really zany happens...
(when they are off-task) What's the task?
They're only 5.
It's Kindergarten.
If at first you don't succeed, try, and try, and try again.
And when those don't work..a pause, a deep breath, a big-belly laugh, and the Tooty-Ta.
Here are some photos of my students. Enjoy!Making Reading Bugs for Reading Week.
Reading books to our Reading Bugs.
Holiday concert. Ms. Nhi made a great fireplace. The kids wore nice clothes and their Holiday Non La hats that they made in Art.
Singing at the Holiday Concert.
Our field trip to Dam Sen Park and the Ice Castle for our Weather unit. We had to wear these coats because it was SOOO cold! The kids are standing on an ice sculpture of the 1-Pillar Pagoda in Hanoi.

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