Thursday, December 31, 2009

Blogger Slacker..

1 January 2010
Happy New Year!!!

First, well no, second (since first was to wish everyone a Happy New Year) let me say that things have been insanely busy and so I've fallen off the bloggin sorry. So much has happened!
I have been very busy with teaching, which I love. I am a classroom teacher for Kindergarten, and I feel like it is my first year of teaching all over again! Most days I do what I can just to stay on top of things! I'll write more about teaching in a subsequent entry, though.

Some of the big things that have happened this semester are:
*I participated in an olympic distance triathlon in late August,
*We spent our Fall Break (in October) in MuiNe, Vietnam,
*In November I went to Hong Kong Disney with my friend and her son,
*My family (mom, dad, sister, brother) arrived Thanksgiving weekend! We've had loads of fun traveling and hanging out.

So, I'm going to try and recap some of these things, in individual entries. I am committed to writing and posting more I can keep you all up to date with the going-ons about Vietnam!